What We Do
A Hillside Gardens Tradition…
At Hillside Gardens, we are proud of the strength & scale of our designs & plantings, and very pleased with your interest in them. We will incorporate any of your design thoughts and couple them with ours to develop, what we think you will agree, is a very creative, yet manageable completion to the development your property.
As Designers & Builders of fine Gardens and Landscapes, the hillsidegardens are uniquely qualified to execute the plan of its Designers & clients. Over 50 years of steady growth, in the Tri-State, has emphasized the importance of following industry standards, providing experienced personnel to accomplish the work, using only durable materials and hardy, Landscape-Grade plant materials, and being flexible to unforeseen site & weather conditions. Adherence to these principles means you, most likely, will not have to use the one-year Guarantee on materials & labour… BUT, it’s nice to know you have it.